Senator Nancy Schaefer |
"To hear the news of former Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband's death has devastated me beyond words. She became
a dear friend to me after I contacted her when my daughter Jennifer was abducted and trafficked by Child Protective Services.
Nancy was there for me during my 2 year long ordeal. She shared my pain and my grief, and made many calls on my behalf. When
I finally got my daughter back last September she called and was just thrilled. I received a lovely card from her that I will
always cherish.
Nancy was undoubtedly a very brave, courageous and wonderful "gem" of a lady who had such a great love for children
and families. After she lost her Congressional seat she gave a speech that said "There are some causes that are worth
losing for - and this is one of those times." She never gave up. Afterwards she ran for US Congress so she could block
the Federal Funds that was causing the corruption. She had an undying devotion and dedication to fight for abused children
and their families who were so cruelly being victimized by ruthless court criminals. She was fearless. In the process of exposing
the criminals she gave many speeches and wrote many articles of the unfathomable crimes and injustices that were occurring
in our family courts and with CPS agencies across our nation. She tried to respond to the many letters and emails she received
from victimized parents begging for help with their children. Nancy had such a compassionate heart and soul and it was heartbreaking
for her to read such letters crying out in desperation.I still have the letter that she wrote to me that included the letter
she wrote which caused her to lose her congressional seat.
I spoke with Nancy many times through the years, and we emailed each other often. We stayed in touch after I left the
United States and moved to Europe with her warning and advice. She was concerned about my safety, not once fearing for her
own life. I cannot express how much I love, admire, respect I have for this woman who I will deeply miss. She gave it her
all... she had to fight so that OUR children could be saved and set free from the criminals who are racketeering and profiting
off innocent families and children. She did everything in her power to expose these criminals and people who are involved.
She never gave up and this is something many of us tremendously appreciate and admire. Unfortunately it cost her the Congressional
seat and now her tragic death, her husband's as well.
Many of you family members are here today and together we grieve. We all know that this was no murder-suicide pact as
being reported by the media, and Nancy did NOT kill herself. Bruce was not dying. I just spoke with Nancy last week when her
and Bruce were on their way out to dinner. They were laughing. They were joking. They were HAPPY! They were NOT planning their
own deaths, or this funeral today! She was scheduled to give a speech this week and had an interview planned with my colleague
and friend William Wagener with On Second Thought TV who sits here beside me. During her last days Nancy was afraid. She was
scared for her life but that didn't stop her. She used safe phones to relay sensitive information, but someone didn't want
this information getting out. Instead they murdered both her and her husband to keep them quiet. I know that Nancy didn't
die in vain, and I am committed to carrying on her fight to ensure that they catch the people who were responsible for their
"I love you Nancy and my peace comes from knowing you are now in heaven wearing that crown that you so greatly deserve
for your hard work and endless dedication for the sake of human rights.....We the people, and our future generation- our precious
children.....they deserve love, life, liberty, respect, and a voice.....after all..... they too are important. Thank you and
God Bless You Nancy, my very dear friend - you are an absolute jewel and you will never be forgotten. I will hold the memories
of you very close to my heart - always" Kathleen ~